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Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Bird Gossip...

"Pssssssst!Hey sparrows! Just so you know...the food in this backyard is tasteless and dry!
"Hey cardinal guy! Did you hear that chipmunk just say...that the food around here is in ample supply!?"
"Hey Woodpecker!... A sparrow just sent out a tweet saying that once he ate a beetle in this backyard and before he swallowed it, it poked him in the eye!"
"Hey Robin!... Did you hear that cardinal just say that there's a restaurant around here that serves fly pie?"
"Hey finch!... I overheard that woodpecker say that if you eat too many fresh flies you'll be too weighted down to fly!"
"Hey squirrel!... The robin just told me that they can't find any decent bird food so they barely scrape by!"
" These birds are so paranoid about what they eat, it makes me want to cry!"

Diversity sharing...

On the count of three, we are gonna jump....

A conscientious trainer...

"Listen kid...You can do it!  Jump your fuzzy little butt up onto that red workout chair!"

"WAIT! STEP BACK KID!!!! ....THIS CHAIR IS ALL SWEATY! ... THIS IS AN OUTRAGE AND A TRAVESTY!  I'm going to speak to the owners of this gymnastic dump and tell them they need to have their clients... "WIPE OF THE WORKOUT CHAIRS WHEN THEY ARE DONE!"" 

Are there spies in your yard?

This is a black squirrel who has been hired by the Central Intelligence Agency to spy on creatures in the garden.
He lives in a secret compartment inside a garden chicken.

Show em' your trick Bobby!

Talking to the chipmunk who lives in my back yard....

"Come on now your trick for mama! - Show mama what you can do...Come on Bobby...Did I mention how cute you look today Bobby?  Come on your trick for mama..."

"I hate this!  I look stupid.  Who is going to be interested to see a chipmunk sitting on an old electrical insulator?  Tell me that?  How many people are on the internet right now looking up "Picture of chipmunk on an insulator cap"!!!!  I'm telling you, THIS IS STUPID and a waste of my valuable time!"

"Come on now Bobby...finish the trick for mama! - Show mama what you can do...Come on Bobby...Sit up for me....That's the way Bobby....  Good little bobby...."

Blue Jay Lore...

They say that blue jays like to ponder.
Blue Jays find a spot in nature and they stare out at nothing,...pondering life.

They also say that blue jays don't like being stared at.

Oddity stories ...

Oddity stories ...
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