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Thursday, June 9, 2011

Fractured Fairytale #1 - The Princess, the Sparrow & the Suitor

Once upon a time there was a princess. She lived in the woods and loved her life. She had absolutely no need for a prince.!
One day, just as she was walking through the front gates of her home in the woods, a bird came along. The bird said "Excuse me princess!...I have a prince here who would like to meet you!"
The princess looked over at the prince, saw his outfit and hair and said, "Oh really bird? Is the circus in town?" 
Then the princess did a flip over a nearby railing, swung away from the prince and said, "Nice Hair Prince!"
The prince said, "Princess! Where I come from...a pompadour on a man's head is a symbol of extreme manhood! Ask my P.R. Manager!

(Commentary below indicate conversations which took place earlier on this day between the prince and his P.R. Manager who happens to be a squirrel)...

"As the Public Relations Manager to Prince Hank, I tried to tell him that women don't respond to that particular 'look' on a man! I used words like "out-dated"...but he's the Prince - what can I do?!"

"Squirrel! YOU should try a pompadour!"

"Listen Prince! You'd do well to lose the hair and put on some REAL pants!"

"Ok prince if you want to get the girl - I can make it happen for you...but this is the LAST time!"
"This is a magical nut - after I break it open, I want both of you to take a bite of it. Prince, we'll start with you."

The prince fell into a deep slumber from biting into the nut and the princess and her secret lover, the squirrel, scurried up to one of the castle turrets. The turrets offered them privacy and a killer view of the kingdom!

The End.

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