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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

RoboCop 2013 Storyboard...

RoboCop was a popular movie character that came to life in 1987.

His story was revisited in 1990 and 1993.

Coming soon…RoboCop  returns! 

* * * * * * * *

The year is 2013. The city is over-run with fiendish squirrels that have taken over the world.

RoboCop is still alive and functioning due to his half human and half cyborg state.

RoboCop meets the bad guys. RoboCop is down and out...he reaches out to a passing squirrel for help.

Squirrel helps RoboCop to sit up -then tells him… “Peanuts sustain life – IF YOU WANT ALL THE PEANUTS YOU CAN EAT…YOU MUST JOIN FORCES WITH THE SQUIRRELS!”   Squirrel then runs off.  

RoboCop meets The Good Guys. A lone bird lands on RoboCop's arm and explains to him that the birds are in constant battle with the squirrels. The birds need RoboCop to help them defeat the dastardly squirrels. The birds also NEED the valuable peanuts to survive.

A powerful new team emerges!

RoboCop and the bird begin their united quest, to rid the world of the squirrels that have turned to the dark side!

* * * * *

The RoboCop 2013 storyline is still in development.

Check back in 2013 for further details.

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