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Monday, May 23, 2011

How to Move a Bird Nest

It takes a dedicated bird breed to become a 'Bird Nest Mover'.  Each bird nest mover purchases their own truck and is responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of the vehicle.
A great deal of discussion goes into moving a bird's nest.  The bird nest owners usually want to take a good look at the truck that is going to be used in the delicate job of moving their bird nest from one location to another. Here we see the truck owner explaining to a potential client exactly how the job will be done.
 Most tow-truck owners are quite proud of their trucks and are willing to supply references as well as documentations supporting their qualifications.
The truck owners like to take care of all the details themselves and provide first hand attention to the job at hand.
It is essential that all of the truck's mechanisms are working perfectly as bird nests are very delicate and there is no room for error.
Last minute preparations are made by the nest owner before it is loaded onto the tow truck.
The nest is then carefully loaded onto the truck where it is secured by bird spittle.
The truck moves through town towards the nest's new address at approximately 3 mph. The driver must not speed or drive over any bumpy areas as the nest could possibly blow out of the truck. There are often gawking birds along the way who marvel at the sight!
 Once the destination has been reached, the driver carefully unloads the nest from the truck.
The nest is then carefully placed in front of the owner's new home. After the tow truck driver leaves, it is up to the nest owner to figure out how to get it's nest into it's new home.

1 comment:

  1. This website is adorable! As a bird lover, I find myself checking every day to see what new and delightful photo and story appears here!


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