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Monday, July 4, 2011

Olsen twins surface in quiet suburb! Merri Bell and Ashleeana Olsen - 1950 revisited!

Photo taken by the National Enquirer in 1950.

People were shocked when the original, famous, Olsen twins went missing in 1948! Nobody knew what happened to them!  Not until a vacationer, in a back yard in a quiet neighborhood in Minnesota, went to have his crystals read!"

"Show us your crystals!" the Olsen twins said in unison.

As soon as the customer heard their voices he looked up at them and said... "OMG! YOU ARE MARI BELL AND ASHLEENA OLSEN!!" They smiled and said together, "Yes, we are!"

Mari Belle and Ashleena Olsen were child stars in their early years. As they got older, they realized they really had an eye for clothes. They started their own clothing line! Then they disappeared and were not seen again until July 3rd 1950, the day they were discovered again.

When the Olsen twins agreed to have their photo taken that day, they said... "Only one photo, please - we live a very private life now and don't want to be written about in the seedy tabloids."

If you want to know more about Merri Bell and Ashleeana Olson be sure to stop back from time to time as there will be updates on the ladies!

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